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Dr. Kathryn Church

Editorial Board Member

Toronto Metropolitan UNIVERSITY

Kathryn Church is Director and Associate Professor in the School of Disability Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University. For more than a decade, she has been part of key initiatives that have brought the school’s “Vision, Passion, Action” message to life across the university and in the public eye. As a feminist sociologist, Kathryn uses cultural forms to link social science inquiry to public education. Her practice includes curating an exhibit of women’s domestic sewing and wedding dresses titled Fabrications: Stitching Ourselves Together and co-curating Out from Under: Disability, History and Things to Remember, an exhibit of activist disability history now in the permanent collection of the Canadian Human Rights Museum. Allied to the Mad movement for 25 years, Kathryn is a foundational contributor to the emerging field of Mad Studies. Author of Forbidden Narratives: Critical Autobiography as Social Science, she consulted on the documentary film Working Like Crazy and was instrumental in its international distribution. An award-winning teacher, in 2015 she received a Woman of Distinction award from the Ontario Confederation of Faculty Associations and a David C. Onley Award for Leadership in Accessibility