Fashion Studies is a multi-media publication.

Image Formatting and Permissions 

Image Formatting

Fashion Studies is a multi-media publication, and we encourage submissions that work with a combination of text, images, and other materials. When possible, images and other figures included in a submission should be formatted to meet the following guidelines:

  • JPEG

  • RGB

  • 300 PPI

  • Images may range from 1⁄4 of a page to full page size
    NOTE: Minimum size is 1500 pixels

Accessibility Guide for Alt. Text

In order to offer accessible content to our readership we ask that our community of scholars include image descriptions as part of their article. This means including alt. text for each figure or table included in your submission.

These descriptions are for our audience who require the use of screen readers, and as such should follow general guidelines for writing alt text:

  • The text should be brief (around 125 characters)

  • The text should describe the content of the image

  • The text should avoid phrases such as “image of...” or “picture of…”

  • The text should not repeat information in the caption or the article

  • If numbers are part of the text they should be written (e.g., fifteen rather than 15)

When describing images it is important to not only describe the content of the image, but also the context. When writing your alt. text you can ask yourself:

  • Has this image been described thoroughly in the text of the article?

  • What is the focus of this image?

  • What in this image is relevant to the article?

  • Why is this specific image present in this article?

This process is fluid and will change drastically depending on the nature of your article. As such, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, and we will consult with you on how to make your work as accessible as possible.

Securing Rights

Creators who wish to publish with Fashion Studies are required to secure the rights to any materials within their submission that is owned by a third party, including but not limited to, images, figures, and graphs.

This requirement is included in the author’s agreement that contributors to the journal will be required to sign upon acceptance of their submission. Gaining the necessary rights and permissions to third party works can be a lengthy process so we recommend that you begin as soon as possible. When securing these rights, please share the following information:

  • Fashion Studies is an open access journal, made publicly and freely accessibly online as well as through downloadable PDFs

  • Fashion Studies operates under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license (read more about this license here)

When securing these rights, we also ask that you request the following worldwide, non-exclusive rights in perpetuity:

  • The right to include the image/figure/etc. in Fashion Studies

  • The right for Fashion Studies to archive, preserve, produce, reproduce, publish, copy, translate, distribute, communicate, convert into any format, and to make available in print or online by telecommunication this article to the public for non-commercial purposes

Finally, the rights holder must assert that the material in question is their original work and does not infringe any rights of others, including privacy and publicity rights. Please provide a full citation to the image/figure/etc., which will be published along with a “reproduced with permission” statement in the submission itself.

Fashion Studies Author Agreement

As part of our peer review process, all authors whose work is accepted for publishing with Fashion Studies will be asked to sign a contract, or what we call our “author’s agreement.” Though you will be sent an agreement with your personalized name and information should your work be accepted, we have also included the format for the author's agreement here.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding image formatting and permissions at We are here to help and appreciate your engagement!